Picture House Media Ltd has withdrawn its case against Shruti Hassan after Tamil Film Producers Council and South Indian Film Artists Association intervened. Mr Kalaippuli Thanu, President, Mr PL Thenappan, Vice-President, Mr T Siva, Secretary of Tamil Film Producers Council and Mr Sarath Kumar, President of South Indian Film Artistes Association discussed with Picture House Media Ltd and suggested a way forward to settle the contentious issues. As a responsible member of the film fraternity, Picture House Media Ltd heeded the advice of these industry bodies and decided to withdraw its case against Shruti Hassan. Picture House Media Ltd has decided to put various issues behind and decided to move forward keeping in mind the cordial relations in the industry and to ensure that the clout of Council and Association is respected.
The Producers Council and The Artists Association have reiterated their stand that artists should adhere to the agreements that they enter into and Producers should not suffer losses due to their irresponsible acts. Picture House Media Ltd impressed upon these august bodies that when the sanctity of contractual agreements is paramount in Mumbai the same attitude is not reflecting in the South. This is an issue that needs to be addressed with all seriousness. With a belief in the adage that everyone in the film industry is part of the same family, Picture House Media Ltd decided to withdraw the case despite suffering monetary losses.